Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Make Bubble Gum

This kit is educational family fun for ages 6 and up with adult supervision. Please read all of the instructions before you start. Your bubble gum kit includes the highest quality Gum Base, Citric Acid, Glycerin and Flavoring. You supply the powdered sugar and corn syrup. These are the five basic ingredients in all chewing gum. We have pre-measured all the ingredients so you can enjoy the process of making your own bubble gum without worry.
Bubble Gum Formula for 1/2 pound of gum

What you will need from your kitchen:
microwave safe or heat resistant dish.
A spoon to stir the gum base mixture.
Wax Paper or Ziploc Bag
-1/3 cup gum base
-1/2 cup powdered sugar
-2 Tbs corn syrup
-1 teaspoon glycerin
-1/4 tsp citric acid
-5-7 drops flavoring

1. Into a microwave safe or heat resistant dish, place the Gum Base, Citric Acid, Corn Syrup and Glycerin.

2a. Microwave Method Place all of the gum base into a microwave safe dish. Heat the gum base on high for 1 minute. Remove the gum base from the oven and stir it. If it has not melted, place it back in the oven and heat for 30 more seconds. Stir it again and repeat heating until the gum base is gooey.

2b. Stove top Method Place the gum base in a heat resistant dish that will fit in a sauce pan of boiling water. Cover the pan and bring the water to a boil. Turn the heat down so the water is at a simmer. Heat the gum base until it becomes gooey. This can take up to 10 minutes. Be sure not to let the water boil dry.

3. Measure out 1/4 cup of powdered sugar and set it aside for later. Pour out about one half cup of powdered sugar onto your work surface. Make a well in the middle of the pile.

4. Remove the gum base from the microwave and mix in 5 drops of flavoring. Pour the melted gum base mixture into the well. The gum base may still be hot but it will cool quickly.

5. Dip your fingers in the powdered sugar and begin kneading the gum base and sugar together. Work it as if your are kneading bread dough. Add more of the powdered sugar when ever the dough gets sticky. Continue adding sugar until you have a smooth, stiff dough. You must knead the gum dough until all the sugar is worked in. This will take at least 15 minutes. The more kneading the better. Kneading to little will cause the gum to break up when chewed.

6. Now it’s time to roll out your bubble gum and cut it into pieces. You can make a rope about 1/2 inch in diameter and then cut individual pieces about 1/2 inch long. Using a scissors make this very easy. If you like your gum in sticks, roll out the gum with a rolling pin and then cut out the strips with your scissors.

7. Dust all of the gum pieces with the tablespoon of powdered sugar we set aside. Store your bubble gum in a zip lock bag. You can wrap individual pieces in wax paper too!

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