Human growth hormone, also known as HGH, is a hormone produced naturally by the human pituitary gland to stimulate cell growth and development. Medically, it is used to treat health disorders that involve stunted growth or hormone imbalances and deficiencies. Examples include Turner syndrome, deficiencies in natural HGH production, and other forms of growth retardation. However, HGH can, and has been, used for non-medical purposes as well. It is seeing usage an anti-aging treatment, as well as an athletic enhancement. Prescription HGH falls into three different categories based on how it is produced: Somatotropin, somatropin, and somatrem. Somatotropin is HGH that has been extracted from the pituitaries of cadavers. Use of cadaver extracted hormones, though, was discontinued in the early 1980s after discovering it could transfer Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease to recipients. Somatropin is the most commonly used method of HGH production that involves artificially creating HGH through animal cells. Somatrem, like somatropin, is artificially manufactured HGH that is produced using modified bacteria. Unlike somatropin, though, somatrem contains an extra amino acid i
n its sequence. Originally, HGH was only available through injections when it was first used as a treatment for humans in the 1980s. Research, though, on the hormone was able to yield new forms of delivery systems. In addition to injections, HGH can also be taken in pill form, as a homeopathic oral spray, or through a secretagogue. What the secretagogue method does is stimulate the development of HGH in the pituitary gland, rather than try to add additional HGH to the body by injection. Alternatively, some companies now provide HGH products in pill and spray form. Most of these products are aimed at both stimulating the body to produce more of its own HGH, as well as providing the amino acid building blocks of the body?s natural HGH. Popular HGH sprays such as Sytropin combine secretagogue with amino acids into a convenient oral spray. For those wishing to avoid the expense, pain, and side effects of prescription HGH injections, these natural HGH products can provide a highly effective alternative with many of the same types of health benefits as prescription HGH.