According to Anita's daughter Seema Ketan Joshi, Anita has been missing for the past two days and was not traceable despite frantic search by the family after which they lodged a missing persons complaint with the Cuffe Parade Police station.
On Novermbe 26, 47-year old Anita was sitting on a boat at the Fisherman's Colony in Cuffe Parade when she saw the ten terrorists land on the shores. The terrorists passed by her and went up to the road from where they took tasxis to various locations. She lives in a colony of shanties, which lies close to the seashores, with her house being the first one on the approach to the coast.
Seema said that Aniat was not under any pressure and has been assisting the police in their investigation. A week earlier she was taken to the JJ Hospital to identify the bodies of the nine terrorists.
Police say they are taking the matter very seriously since Anita was a key witness and was the first and perhaps the only person to have seen all the terrorists together and from a very close distance.
Seema said Anita was likely to be taken for the identification parade of the lone surviving terrorist Ajmal Amir Qasab, now lodged in the Mumbai Central Prison, the Arther Road jail.
"We have lodged a missing person's complaint and are investigating, "said a senior police official, who refused to divulge details. A few of Anita's neighbours are also very perlexed about her disappearance.
They sad the police and officials from other agencies have been summoning her several time3s for assisting in investigations.